At some point later on...Orchi had thought it would be near impossible that Orchi would ever find the complete n original bezel assembly for a Rolex Ref 6542...until Orchi stumbled upon the Vintage Rolex Forum(VRF)...from a tip off by...Buddy Mike at here.
Subsequently Orchi posted an Ad in look for the complete original bezel assembly for this Rolex Ref 6542...A new hope was growing.
Shortly after that...Orchi received a surprising email from Mr. John Buckley a.k.a Tuscoanyrose...responding to Orchi's Ad in VRF...claiming that HE has got exactly the right Original Rolex Service Replacement parts which Orchi has been looking for...all the long months.
Orchi was in shock...n nearly fell off the coconut tree...after having read the offer price from Mr. John Buckley a.k.a Tuscanyrose...or as HE is widely known in VRF simply by the initial JB...He was then a total stranger to Orchi.
After a couple of email exchanges in betweens...Orchi had fired no less than 1 DOZEN questions to JB...which included...questioning his credentials n the authenticity of the items which he had offered to sell.
Immediately after...Orchi also fired no less than 2 threads in VRF...n TRF asking of the same.
Subsequently...from all the dozens of right n assuring feedbacks of many kind folks in well as in TRF who came to Orchi's assistance at the time of urgent need...n there after a couple more exchanges of emails with JB...Orchi made the calculated decisions to deal with JB who was still very much a stranger to that point in time...for the purchase of the relevant items.
Quite swiftly when JB received the TT payment in full from Orchi in Malaysia...JB shipped out the items with full insurance cover...without any delays FEDEX.
At ALL times...Mr. John Buckley has been very attentive to Orchi's dozens of concerns n questions...He was very honest in all his opinions...He was very willing to share his knowledge...He has also been very considerate of Orchi's worries...n most importantly he was very patient n accommodating to Orchi's constant ranting...
Well folks...these here are the pictures of the assembled Rolex Ref 6542 GMT Master...the images should tell the thousand words...
n a thousand of thanks to TRF...n YOU Buddy Mike!...
...n to Mr. John Buckley a.k.a Tuscanyrose...of NYC...the results are stunning n well rewarding.